Dreamy Loner
A Dreamy Loner
I'm a loner who's shy, withdrawn, and always daydreaming. Not many people understand me because I like to keep my emotional feeling inside, and don't express myself too much. I'm a lazy person with very little confidence, whom need to be motivated by others. I love freedom, therefore, I rather spend time alone instead of hanging around with friends. Thanked God I still have few good friends who could stand my boredom
How did I became a fyfy fan
"Haru" came to my heart like a little angel which saved me from pain and depression throughout my difficult period since the year 2020, his stupidity and cuteness just made me forget all the pain I am facing right now! Different from my other idols, Kei Tanaka is just like my shining star because he is like a healer to me without doing anything. 命運帶我在艱難日子愛上這個可愛, 鬼馬, 熱情的中佬! 他的一個大啦啦的笑聲, 一個溫暖的微笑, 一個鬼馬的表情可以令我暫時忘記痛苦. 可惜, 隨著時間流逝, 他變了一個令我一見到會情緒病發的偶像, 簡直是一種折磨的過程:(我深深體會到真係好撚愛圭哥哥的感受)! Of course, I admired him as a good actor! 如他沒有被規限, 他的戲路可以很闊。